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来源:本站原创发布时间:2018-02-06 19:27:51




“美国春晚”超级碗是啥?扒一扒美国春晚精彩看点 (1).jpg


The Super Bowl is the annual champion of the National American Football League (also known as the National Football League), the winner of which is called the "World Champion." The Super Bowl usually takes place on the last Sunday in January or the first Sunday in February, the day is called the Super Bowl Sunday.


Super Bowl is the name of a game. The reason why it is called the "American Spring Festival Gala" is the importance in people’s heart. This status, which reflected in the nation's highest ratings television shows, surpassed the major sports league finals, the Oscars, the Olympic Games opening ceremony and Grammy Awards ceremony.


“美国春晚”超级碗是啥?扒一扒美国春晚精彩看点 (2).jpg


Invited by the NFL Rugby Union, Wu Yifan served as the "NFL 52nd Super Bowl Promotion Ambassador" present the site to cheer. In addition, he also boarded the Super Bowl LIVE Super Bowl official stage to perform, so that he becoming the first Chinese star who performs in Bowl LIVE!

受NFL职业橄榄球大联盟的邀请,吴亦凡担任“NFL第52届超级碗推广大使”前往现场观赛助威,此外,他还登上了超级碗官方活动Super Bowl LIVE的舞台献唱,成为首位在Super Bowl LIVE中表演的华人明星!

Wu Yifan brought three songs "Juice", "B.M." and "deserve" to the super bowl live concert. Every song is burning! He sang in minus 20 degrees weather, even the freezing cold equipment strike, but still turned the whole audience! This is his first overseas individual performance! In the cold, snowy days in Minnesota, his stage show was still a success.

吴亦凡在super bowl live concert 上带来了三首歌曲"Juice"、"B.M."和"deserve"。每一首都很燃!在零下20度天气里开唱,冻得连设备都罢工,却依旧嗨翻全场!这是他作为个人的首次海外公演!在明尼苏达州寒冷还飘雪的天气里,在舞台上表演很成功。

“美国春晚”超级碗是啥?扒一扒美国春晚精彩看点 (3).jpg


This year's midfield show invited Justin Timberlake as midfielder show guests. This is the third time that Boss Jia presented as distinguished guest, and his performance ignited the audience. Boss Jia was singing and dancing at the scene, songs are "Rock Your Body", "My Love", "Cry Me a River", "Suit & Tie", "Mirrors", "Can not Stop the Feeling" and other classic songs, There also sang the new single song"Filthy"! This Super Bowl midfielder directly became a large Jia boss dance show.

今年中场秀请来了贾老板 Justin Timberlake作为中场秀嘉宾,这已经是贾老板第三次作为嘉宾了,他这次的表演炸翻全场。贾老板在现场载歌载舞,连唱"Rock Your Body"、"My Love"、"Cry Me a River"、"Suit & Tie"、"Mirrors"、"Can't Stop the Feeling"等等经典单曲,还有新专首单"Filthy"!这场超级碗中场秀,活脱脱变成了大型贾老板舞蹈秀。


In 2005, 30 seconds of advertising during the NBC Super Bowl live broadcast cost is about $2.5 million, an increase of 75% in ten years. It increased to $ 4.5 million in 2015, and now Super Bowl 30-second advertising has reached $ 5 million, Equally to last year, it is expected to generate at least $ 550 million in advertising revenue for the broadcasted television station NBC. In addition to brand advertising, the Super Bowl is also Hollywood's major platforms to promoting their own heavy new film this year's stage.


“美国春晚”超级碗是啥?扒一扒美国春晚精彩看点 (4).jpg


It is reported that the average price of Super Bowl seat up to 5,694 dollars, which rose by 8% than the last Super Bowl average ticket prices. Although the Super Bowl's ratings have been declining for three consecutive years from 2015, its commercial value appears to have not been affected. The Forbes data shows that the Super Bowl tournament is valued at $ 663 million and its worth even over the Olympic Games ($230 million) and the FIFA World Cup ($120 million).



As our Chinese like to sit together to eat New Year's Eve when see Spring Festival Gala, Super Bowl’s food consumption is also very alarming, ranking only second to Thanksgiving. According to statistics, the audience spent an average of 82.19 US dollars to buy food. Nearly 1.3 billion chicken wings were consumed during the 2016 competition, and pizza giant Damme sold nearly 12 million pizzas in this day. The "Good friend" potato chips in television consumed as much as 11.2 million pounds on that day.




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