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来源:本站原创发布时间:2017-12-12 17:13:44





The paper mentions that humans have biological limitations and that there may be no room for improvement for our species. To a certain extent, we are also partly responsible for ourselves - our environmental impact (pollution, climate change, etc.) in turn has a negative effect on our own biological limitations.


Jean-Franois Toussaint, a physician at Université de Paris 5, led an interdisciplinary team. They reviewed 160 studies spanning 120 years, examining human life expectancy, physical fitness, changes in height over time, and the environment.

巴黎第五大学的医师Jean-Franois Toussaint领导了一支跨学科团队。他们回顾了横跨120年的160项研究,考察了人类的寿命、体能、身高随时间发生的变化趋势,还有环境。


The results showed that: throughout the twentieth century, human life expectancy, physical fitness and height have steadily increased; but since about 1980, these three indicators have reached a stable level, and have not changed much in more than 30 years. Although nutrition, medicine and science are making progress, human life expectancy, physical fitness, and height are no longer increasing. This means that modern society has brought human species to the limit.


Only into the twenty-first century, we will be possible to carry out this study. Because until the twentieth century, humans have reliable medical and physical records, as well as accurate measurement capabilities (such as measuring physical fitness). Until today, we have been able to obtain a record of a century to be able to observe the development trend of these indicators.



Researchers predict that when more and more people reach the limit, less and less people break the height, life expectancy, the sports record, this stabilizing effect will be revealed. Actually, we have started to see this effect. Jeanne Calment was born in 1997, at the age of 122 and 164 days. So far, no one has broken his record of life. Likewise, no one has broken Bolt's 100th and 200th sprint record set in 2008.

研究人员预计,当越来越多人达到极限水平、同时越来越少人打破身高、寿命、各项体育记录时,这种稳定效果便会显现出来。其实,我们已经开始看到这种效果了。Jeanne Calment逝世于1997年,享年122岁又164天。迄今为止,没有人打破他的寿命记录。同样,也没有人打破博尔特在2008年创下的一百米及两百米短跑记录。

Average health and weight data may still be on the rise, but in some African regions the average height starts to decline, indicating their malnutrition.


Scientists have found that environmental pollution is linked to low birth weight, poor health and shortened life expectancy; climate change is also linked to reduced life expectancy and the spread of diseases such as malaria. These factors may make it impossible for people to break through the upper limits of physical fitness and life expectancy. 



However, he also optimistically pointed out that since we already know some of our own limits (if analyzed correctly), then governments can work toward this goal. Due to the increasing environmental constraints, we may have to spend more and more money and energy to balance the growing ecological pressure. But if it succeeds, the average height, life expectancy, and most physical indicators of humans will grow.




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